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National Corn Engineering Laboratory

Date:2021-03-30 15:27:18     Times:

The National Corn Engineering Laboratory was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission on August 10, 2011. The legal entity of the laboratory is the Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, which is jointly established with Jilin University and other units. Mainly carry out research on the disaster mechanism and green comprehensive prevention and control of the main corn diseases and insect pests. Professor Pan Hongyu is the director of the laboratory. There are 5 professors, 6 associate professors, 3 lecturers, and 12 junior researchers who are currently studying for doctoral and master's degrees. He is currently undertaking the "Thirteenth Five-Year" national key research and development plan project "Northern Corn Disease Control" There are 5 national-level topics such as "Technological Innovation and Optimization" (2017YFD0201802), and 8 provincial and ministerial-level topics such as the special "Research on the Key Technology System of Maize High-yield and Disease-Resistant MAS Breeding" (SXGJQY2017-08) in the Jilin Provincial School Co-construction Plan , The main research directions include:

1. Research on the disaster mechanism of main corn fungal diseases

Mainly focus on the major fungal diseases such as Northern corn leaf blight (NCLB), gray leaf spot of maize (Gray leaf spot of maize), and corn stalk rots (Corn stalk rots) in Northeast China, and develop the dynamics and rules of occurrence of fungal diseases , Epidemic factors and early warning research.

2. Molecular biology research on the main pathogenic fungi of corn

Mainly carry out research on growth and regulation, pathogenicity and mechanism, pathogen and host interaction of Setosphaeria turcica and Cochliobolus heterostrophus, etc.

3. Research on key technologies for green prevention and control of major corn diseases and insect pests

Establish a green comprehensive prevention and control model using ecological regulation, induced disease prevention, high-efficiency new medicines, precision application, fitness cultivation and other measures, and integrate and demonstrate the key technologies of intelligent early warning of major corn diseases and pests and large-scale precision prevention and control of green emergency

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