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日期:2018-04-27 点击数: 来源:


少敏,吉林大学best365官网登录入口,教授,博士生导师;吉林省第七批拔尖创新人才,吉林省“18条”人才,吉林大学优秀共产党员;目前主要从事果实品质形成调控机理及小浆果生物育种等研究,集中在miRNAlncRNA等非编码RNA调控小浆果果实着色与次生代谢作用机理以及小浆果分子育种等方面;以通讯作者或第一作者在Journal of Experimental BotanyJournal of Integrative Plant BiologyPLoS Genetics等期刊发表学术论文20余篇。





E-mail shmbian@jlu.edu.cn









2012.11 至今,best365官网登录入口,副教授/教授

2012.05-2012.08,加拿大西安大略大学生物系,Research Assistant









中国生物工程学会理事、生物农业分会常务理事;国际期刊Journal of Modern Agriculture and Biotechnology 编委Plants 客座编委,Frontiers in Plant ScienceReviewer Editor



1. “miR156协调激素调控蓝莓不定根发育的作用机制 (No. 32272680) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持人,2023-2026

介导蓝莓果实色泽发育调控MIR156/SPLs的鉴定及其作用机理研究”(No.31872075) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持人,2019-2022

2. 植物miRNA介导的种子调控机制研究”(No. 31370340),国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持人,2014-2017

3. “miRNA介导蓝莓果实花青苷合成调控机制的解析”(No. 20130061120118), 教育部高等专科学校博士学科点专项基金,主持2014-2016

4. 蓝莓果实中保守miRNAs的鉴定及调控花青苷合成的功能解析,吉林大学农学部引进优秀人才科研基金项目,主持人,2013-2015

5. 棉花纤维强度形成机制的蛋白质组学研究” (No. 200502340),中国博士后科学基金项目,主持人,2006-2007



1. Li X, Zhang X, Shi T, Chen M, Jia C, Wang J, Hou Z, Han J*, Bian S* (2022) Identification of ARF family in blueberry and its potential involvement of fruit development and pH stress response. BMC Genomics, 23(1):329.(通讯作者,IF 4.5472区,TOP期刊)

2. Shan B, Wang W, Cao J, Xia S, Li R, Bian S*, Li X* (2021) Soybean GmMYB133 inhibits hypocotyl elongation and confers salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 764074.(通讯作者,IF 6.6272区,TOP期刊)

3. Xie X, Yue S, Shi B, Li H, Cui Y, Wang J, Yang P, Li S, Li X *, Bian S* (2021) Comprehensive analysis of the SBP family in blueberry and their regulatory mechanism controlling chlorophyll accumulation. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 703994.(通讯作者,IF 6.6272区,TOP期刊)

4. Li X, Hou Y, Xie X, Li H, Li X, Zhu Y, Zhai L, Zhang C, Bian S* (2020) A blueberry MIR156a-SPL12 module coordinates the accumulation of chlorophylls and anthocyanins during fruit ripening. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71(19): 5976-5989.(通讯作者,IF 7.2981区,TOP期刊)

5. Song J, Xie X, Chen C, Shu J, Thapa RK, Nguyen V, Bian S, Kohalmi SE, Marsolais F, Zou J, and Cui Y* (2021) LEAFY COTYLEDON1 expression in the endosperm enables embryo maturation in Arabidopsis. Nature Communication, 12(1):3963.参与作者,IF 17.6941区,TOP期刊)

6. Shu J, Chen C, Li C, Thapa RK, Song J, Xie X, Nguyen V, Bian S, Liu J, Kohalmi SE, and Cui Y* (2021) Genome-wide occupancy of Arabidopsis SWI/SNF chromatin remodeler SPLAYED provides insights into its interplay with its close homolog BRAHMA and Polycomb proteins. Plant Journal, 106(1):200-213.参与作者,IF 7.0911区,TOP期刊)

7. Hou Y, Li H, Zhai L, Xie X, Li X*, Bian S* (2020) Identification and functional characterization of the Aux/IAA gene VcIAA27 in blueberry. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 15(1): 1700327.(通讯作者,IF 2.7344区)

8. Bian S, Jin D, Sun G, Shan B, Zhou H, Wang J, Zhai L, Li X* (2020) Characterization of the soybean R2R3-MYB transcription factor GmMYB81 and its functional roles under abiotic stresses. Gene, 753: 144803.IF 3.9133区)

9. Li X, Gao G, Li Y, Sun W, He X, Li R, Jin D, Qi X, Liu Z, Bian S* (2018) Functional roles of two 14-3-3s in response to salt stress in common bean. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 40:209.  (通讯作者,IF 2.7364区)

10. Bian S, Li R, Xia S, Liu Y, Jin D, Xie X, Dhaubhadel S, Zhai L, Wang J, and Li X* (2018) Soybean CCA1-like MYB transcription factor GmMYB133 modulates isoflavonoid biosynthesis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 507: 324~329.IF 3.5753区)

11. Hou Y, Zhai L, Li X, Xue Y, Wang J, Yang P, Cao C, Li H, Cui Y, and Bian S* (2017) Comparative analysis of fruit ripening-related miRNAs and their targets in blueberry using small RNA and degradome sequencing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(12): 2767.(通讯作者,IF 6.2082区,TOP期刊)

12. Bian S, Jin D, Li R, Xie X, Gao G, and Li X* (2017) Genome-wide analysis of CCA1-like proteins in soybean and functional characterization of GmMYB138a. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(10): 2040.IF 6.2082区,TOP期刊)

13. Bian S*, Li X, Mainali H, Chen L, Dhaubhadel S* (2017) Genome-wide analysis of DWD proteins in soybean (Glycine max): Significance of Gm08DWD and GmMYB176 interaction in isoflavonoid biosynthesis. PLoS ONE, 12(6):e0178947.(通讯作者,IF 3.7523区)

14. Li X, Xie X, Li J, Cui Y, Hou Y, Zhai L, Wang X, Fu Y, Liu R, and Bian S* (2017) Conservation and diversification of the miR166 family in soybean and potential roles of newly identified miR166s. BMC Plant Biology, 17(1):32(通讯作者,IF 5.262区)

15. Xie X, Li X, Tian Y, Su M, Zhang J, Han X, Cui Y, and Bian S* (2016) Identification and characterization of microRNAs and their targets from expression sequence tags of Ribes nigrum. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 96: 995-1001.(通讯作者,IF 1.3754区)

16. Bian S*, Li J, Tian G, Cui Y, Hou Y, and Qiu W (2016) Combinatorial regulation of CLF and SDG8 during Arabidopsis shoot branching. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 38:173.IF 2.7364区)

17. Li R, Jiang X, Jin D, Dhaubhadel S, Bian S*, and Li X* (2015) Identification of 14-3-3 family in common bean and their response to abiotic stress. PLoS ONE, 10(11): e0143280.(通讯作者,IF 3.7523区)

18. Li X, Hou Y, Zhang L, Zhang W, Quan C, Cui Y, and Bian S* (2014) Computational identification of conserved microRNAs and their targets from expression sequence tags of blueberry (Vaccinium corybosum). Plant Signaling & Behavior, 9(9): e29462(通讯作者,IF 2.7344区)

19. Tang X&, Bian S&, Tang M, Lu Q, Li S, Liu X, Tian G, Nguyen V, Tsang E, Wang A, Rothstein S, Chen X*, and Cui Y* (2012)  MicroRNA-mediated repression of the seed maturation program during vegetative development in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genetics, 8(11): e1003091.并列第一作者IF 6.022区,TOP期刊)

20. Bian S, and Jiang Y* (2009) Reactive oxygen species, antioxidant enzyme activities and gene expression patterns in leaves and roots of Kentucky Bluegrass in response to drought stress and recovery. Scientia Horticulturae, 120: 264-270.IF 4.3422区,TOP期刊)

21. Yang Y, Bian S (co-first author), Yao Y, and Liu J* (2008) Comparative proteomic analysis provides new insights into the fiber elongating process in cotton. Journal of Proteome Research, 7(11): 4623-4637.(并列第一作者,IF 5.372区)

22. Bian S, Wang H, Zhou H, Zhao Y, Ren F, Zhao J, and Huang J* (2007) Purification and characterization of a new heme-binding from a mutant nifE deleted strain of Azotobacter vinelandii. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49: 336-342.IF 9.1061区,TOP期刊)



