王军 博士 教授 硕士研究生导师 博士研究生导师
2006/09-2009/07 华南农业大学昆虫学系 博士
2003/09-2006/07 华南农业大学昆虫学系 硕士
1999/09-2003/07 河南农业大学植物保护专业 学士
2022/09-今 best365官网登录入口 教授
2018/11-2019/11 澳大利亚国立昆虫标本馆 访问学者
2013/05-2016/12 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所 博士后
2009/07-2022/09 best365官网登录入口 讲师、副教授
1. 吉林省植物保护学会科普专业委员会副主任委员
2. 吉林省昆虫学会理事
1. 昆虫系统分类、演化与分子生物学
2. 土壤动物生态学
1. 中国东部农区土壤动物多样性调查(专题:中国东部农区蓟马多样性及物种分布调查),科技基础资源调查专项,2019.1-2023.12,专题负责人;
2. 吉林省玉米地土壤酸化及其对土壤生物和酶活性的影响,农业农村部东北植物营养与农业环境重点实验室项目,2018.1-2020.12,项目负责人;
3. 中国菌食性蓟马纬度梯度分布格局及其形成机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015.1-2018.12,项目负责人;
4. 吉林省重大入侵害虫西花蓟马发生规律及防控技术研究,吉林省科技厅,2016.1-2018.12,7万元,项目负责人;
5. 长白山菌食性蓟马高度梯度分布格局及其形成机制,中国博士后科学基金特别资助,2015.6-2016.5,项目负责人;
6. 三江平原湿地蓟马物种多样性及其对生境变化的响应,中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助,2013.3-2015.3,项目负责人;
7. 中国温带地区菌食性蓟马物种多样性研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2011.1-2013.12 ,项目负责人;
8. 普通昆虫学实习教学改革研究,吉林大学2015年度本科教学改革研究项目,2015.6-2017.6,项目负责人。
1. 王军*, 赵超*. 中国菌食性管蓟马物种多样性及分布格局. 生物多样性, 2022, 30(12): 22128(*为通讯作者,下同)
2. Yi J, Wang S, Wang Z, Wang X, Li G, Zhang X, Pan Y, Zhao S, Zhang J, Zhou JJ, Wang J* and Xi J*. Identification of Candidate Carboxylesterases Associated With Odorant Degradation in Holotrichia parallela Antennae Based on Transcriptome Analysis. Frontiers in Physiology, 2021, 12: 674023
3. Mound LA*, Wang J*. Hoplothrips species recorded from China (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae), with one new species from Yunnan. Zootaxa, 2020, 4758 (3): 596–599
4. Mound LA*, Wang J*, Tree DJ. The genus Hoplothrips in Australia (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripinae), with eleven new species. Zootaxa , 2020, 4718 (3): 301–323
5. Wang X, Wang S, Yi J, Li Y, Liu J, Wang J, and Xi J*. Three host plant volatiles, hexanal, lauric acid, and tetradecane, are detected by an antenna-biased expressed odorant receptor 27 in the dark black chafer Holotrichia parallela. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68: 7316−7323
6. 鲁雯敏,高磊,朱烨,王军*. 樟树叶部害虫圆率管蓟马在上海首次发现. 中国森林病虫,2020, 39(1): 28–31
7. Cui Y, Lee G*, Wang J*. Taeniothrips changbaiensis sp. n. (Thysanoptera,Thripidae) living on the leaves of a Poaceae species in China. Zootaxa, 2019, 4559 (2): 314–320
8. Cui Y, Xi J, Wang J*. New record of Caprithrips melanophthalmus (Bagnall,1927) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in China, with the first description of the male. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 2019, 95(2): 93–98.
9. Lu W, Wang J *. A new species of Urothrips (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) from canopy of monsoon forest in China . Zootaxa, 2019, 4614 (1): 191–194
10. Wang J*, Mound LA* & Tree DJ (2019) Leaf-litter thrips of the genus Psalidothrips (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) from Australia, with fifteen new species. Zootaxa 4686 (1): 53–73
11. Wang J*, Mound LA* & Tree DJ (2019) A new species of Apostlethrips (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae); an Australian genus from grass tussocks. Zootaxa 4688 (1): 144–146
12. Cui YZ & Wang J* (2019) The genus Anaphothrips (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) in China, with three new species. Zootaxa 4700 (2): 246–258
13. Lu W, Wang J*. New record of Macrophthalmothrips Karny, 1922 (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) in China, with the first description of the male of M. splendidus Ananthakrishnan, 196 . The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 2019, 95(3): 139–144
14. Cui Y, Xi J, Wang J*. First report of Ctenothrips nonnae Haga & Okajima,1989 (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) from China, with a description of the male. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 2018, 94(4): 189–194
15. 张洵铭, 崔彦泽, 王柏凤, 宋新元, 王军*. 转Cry1Ab/Cry2Aj和G10evo-EPSPS基因玉米12-5对田间节肢动物群落的影响. 延边大学农学学报, 2018, 40(3): 22–28.
16. Cui Y, Xi J, Wang J*. Female polymorphism in Chilothrips strobilus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), with the first description of the male. Zootaxa, 2017, 4358 (1): 193–196
17. Cui Y, Xi J, Wang J*. The genus Anaphothrips with one new species from China (Thysanoptera, Thripidae). ZooKeys, 2017, 668: 49–59
18. 王金鑫, 杨爽, 张鑫鑫, 张炬红, 席景会, 王军*. 西花蓟马蛋白的提取及双向电泳体系的建立. 生物安全学报, 2017, 26(4): 280–284
19. 刘若思, 刘燕, 王军*, 吕玉峰, 边勇, 张丽杰. 重要外来入侵害虫西花蓟马在吉林省部分地区的首次发现. 北京农学院学报, 2015, 30(2): 2–5
20. Wang J, Tong XL*, Wu DH*. The effect of latitudinal gradient on the species diversity of Chinese litter-dwelling thrips. ZooKeys, 2014 , 417: 9–20
21. Wang J, Mirab-balou M, Tong XL*. A new species of the genus Karnyothrips (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) from China. ZooKeys, 2013, 346: 17–21
22. Mirab-balou M, Tong XL, Wang J, Chen XX. A new Odontothrips species (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) from Iran. Zootaxa, 2013, 3736 (5): 598–600
23. Wang J, Tong XL*. Species diversity, seasonal dynamics and vertical distribution of litter-dwelling thrips in an urban forest remnant of South China, Journal of Insect Science, 2012, 12(67): 1–12
24. 王子健, 刘佳, 王尚, 杨巽, 席景会, 王军*. 净月潭国家森林公园凋落物层土壤动物群落多样性, 生态与农村环境学报, 2012, 28(4): 368–372
25. Wang J, Tong XL*. The genus Terthrothrips Karny (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from China with one new species, Zootaxa, 2011, 1754: 63–67
26. 王军, 童晓立*. Terthrothrips, a newly recorded genus of Phlaeothripidae (Insecta: Thysanoptera) from China, 昆虫分类学报, 2011, 33(4): 286–288
27. Wang J, Tong XL*, Zhang WQ. A new species of the genus Mystrothrips (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) from China. Entomological News, 2008, 119(5): 266–270
28. Wang J, Tong XL*. A new species of the genus Acallurothrips Bagnall (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from China. Oriental Insects, 2008, 42: 247–250
29. 王军, 廖庆生, 丁伟民, 童晓立*. 粤东地区速生桉树林与天然林枯枝落叶层无脊椎动物多样性比较. 应用生态学报, 2008, 19(1): 25–31
30. 王军, 姚海元, 麦俊伟, 张维球, 童晓立*. 广州长岗山森林凋落物土壤动物群落结构及季节变化. 生态学杂志, 2008, 27(3): 408–413
31. 王军, 童晓立*, 张维球. Mystrothrips, a newly recorded genus of Phlaeothripidae from China (Insecta: Thysanoptera). 华东昆虫学报, 2008, 17(1): 1–5
32. Wang J, Tong XL*, Zhang WQ. The genus Psalidothrips Priesner (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) in China with three new species. Zootaxa, 2007, 1642: 23–31
33. Wang J, Tong XL*. Chinese Urothripini (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) including a new species of Bradythrips. 动物分类学报, 2007, 32(2): 297–300
34. Wang J, Tong XL*, Zhang WQ. A new species of the genus Hyidiothrips (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from China. Zootaxa, 2006, 1164: 51–55
35. 王军, 童晓立, 张维球. 缨翅目. 见: 杨茂发, 金道超主编. 贵州大沙河昆虫, 贵阳: 贵州人民出版社. 2005, 111–114