主要从事植物病原真菌分子生物学与生物防治研究。先后主持或分题主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然基金面上项目、“十三五”国家重点研发计划、吉林省优秀青年基金、吉林省科技厅国际合作项目、等科研课题10余项。在《PNAS》《Phytopathology》、《Fungal genetics and biology》、《TAG》、《PLOS ONE》、《International journal of molecular science》等国内外重要学术刊物上发表科研论文30余篇,其中SCI收录20余篇,以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI 论文9篇;获得授权专利5项;获吉林省科技进步一等奖1项(第六位);吉林省自然科学二等奖1项(排名第二)。发表教改论文2篇,获得教学成果奖励2项。
E-mail: zhangxianghui@jlu.edu.cn
2007年-2011年 吉林大学 best365官网登录入口学院 植物学专业 博士
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2004年-2007年 吉林农业大学 资源与环境学院 农药学专业 硕士
2000年-2004年 吉林农业大学 资源与环境学院 应用化学专业 学士
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2017.10-2018.10 美国康奈尔大学 植物病理系 访问学者
2012.01-2018.08 best365官网登录入口 讲师
1. 防治吉林寒区水稻主要病害的芽胞杆菌合成微生物菌群生防机制研究和产品开发,国家自然基金重点项目,2021.01-2024.12,103万,主持。
2. 玉米小斑病菌分选蛋白ChAtg20和ChAtg24在自噬、生长发育和致病力中的作用机制研究,吉林省科技厅国际科技合作项目,2021.01-2023.12,10万,主持。
3. 水稻主要病虫害绿色规模化防控技术集成,“十三五”国家重点研发专项,2018.07-2020.12, 90万,主持。
4. 玉米大斑病菌StNPS6基因在其致病过程中的作用机制研究,吉林省优秀青年人才基金,2017年1月-2018年12月,10万,主持。
5. 玉米大斑病生防菌的筛选、鉴定与拮抗机制研究,吉林省国际科技合作项目,2015年1月-2017年12月,10万,主持。
6. 一个新的双组分系统RhpRS调控III型分泌系统的信号转导途径研究,国家自然基金,2014年1月-2017年12月,30万,主持。
7. 玉米病虫害新药开发与筛选,科技部“十二五”科技支撑计划项目,2012年1月-2016年12月,30万,主持。
8. 玉米大斑病生防菌剂的开发与应用,吉林省人力资源厅博士后项目,2014年1月-2015年12月,3万,主持。
1. Huilin Yu, Wantong Jia, Meixi Zhao, Le Li, Jinliang Liu, Jingyuan Chen, Hongyu Pan, Xianghui Zhang. Antifungal mechanism of isothiocyanates against Cochliobolus heterostrophus. Pest Management Science, 2022, 10.1002/ps.7131. (通讯作者)
2. Huilin Yu, Wantong Jia, Zhongxiang Li, Chaofeng Gao, Hongyu Pan Xianghui Zhang. The sorting nexin genes ChSNX4 and ChSNX41 are required for reproductive development, stress adaption and virulence in Cochliobolus heterostrophus. Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8, 855. (通讯作者)
3. Yanhua Zhang, Meixi Zhao, Wei Chen, Huilin Yu, Wantong Jia, Hongyu Pan Xianghui Zhang. Multi-Omics techniques for analysis antifungal mechanisms of lipopeptides produced by Bacillus velezensis GS-1 against Magnaporthe oryzae in vitro. International Journal of Molecular Science, 2022, 23, 3762. (通讯作者)
4. Huilin Yu, Wantong Jia, Kunqin Xiao, Wenli Jiao, Xianghui Zhang, Hongyu Pan. The autophagy genes ChATG4 and ChATG8 are required for reproductive development, virulence, and septin assembly in Cochliobolus heterostrophus. Phytopathology. 2021, doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-06-21-0271-R. (通讯作者)
5. Simon C Kessler, Xianghui Zhang, Megan C McDonald, Cameron L M Gilchrist, Zeran Lin, Adriana Rightmyer, Peter S Solomon, B Gillian Turgeon, Yit-Heng Chooi. Victorin, the host-selective cyclic peptide toxin from the oat pathogen Cochliobolus victoriae, is ribosomally encoded. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Sep 29;117(39):24243-24250. (共同第一作者)
6. Xianghui Zhang, Jonathan B. González, B. Gillian Turgeon. Septins are required for reproductive propagule development and virulence of the maize pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus. Fungal Genetics and biology, 2019.
7. Li Jingtao*, Zhang Xianghui*, Li Le, Liu Jinliang, Zhang Yanhua, Pan Hongyu. Proteomics Analysis of SsNsd1-Mediated Compound Appressoria Formation in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. International Journal of Molecular Science. 2018.(共同第一)
8. Xianghui Zhang, Dongjing Zhang, Jinliang Liu, Hongyu Pan, Jianchun Qin, Yanhua Zhang. Antifungal effects of volatile organic compounds from the endophytic fungus Cryptosporiopsis ericae Cc-HG-7 isolated from Coptis chinensis Franch. Biocontrol Science and Technology. 2018. DOI: 10.1080/09583157.2018.1460744
9. Lu Wang, Yanzhi Liu, Jinliang Liu, Yanhua Zhang, Xianghui Zhang, Hongyu Pan. The Sclerotinia sclerotiorum FoxE2 gene is required for apothecial development. Phytopathology, 2016, 106(5):484-490. (共同通讯作者)
10. Xianghui Zhang, Jianming Fu, Yasuaki Hiromasa, Hongyu Pan, Guihua Bai. Differentially expressed proteins associated with Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat. Plos One, 2013. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.00822079
11. Xianghui Zhang, Hongyu Pan, Guihua Bai. Quantitative trait loci responsible for Fusarium head blight resistance in Chinese landrace Baishanyuehuang. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2012, 125(3):495-502.
12. Xianghui Zhang, Guihua Bai, Willium Bockus, Xiaojia Ji, Hongyu pan. Quantitative trait loci for Fusarium head blight resistance in US hard winter wheat cultivar Heyne. Crop Science, 2012, 52(3):1187-1194.
13. Hongdong Fan, Gang Yu, Yanzhi Liu, Xianghui Zhang, Jinliang Liu, Yanhua Zhang, Jeffery Rollins, Fengjie Sun, Hongyu Pan. An atypical forkhead-containing transcription factor SsFKH1 is involved in sclerotial formation and is essential for pathogenicity in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2016. DOI:10.1111/mpp.12453.
14. Jingtao Li, Gang Yu, Xinhua Sun, Yanzhi Liu, Jinliang Liu, Xianghui Zhang, Chengguo Jia, Hongyu Pan. AcPIP2, a plasma membrane intrinsic protein from halophyte Atriplex canescens, enhances plant growth rate and abiotic stress tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Reports, 2015, 34(8):1401-1415.
15. Jingtao Li, Gang Yu, Xinhua Sun, Xianghui Zhang, Jinliang Liu, Hongyu Pan. AcEBP1, an ErbB3-binding protein (EBP1) from halophyte Atriplex canescens, negatively regulates cell growth and stress responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Science, 2016, 248:64-74.
16. Jinliang Liu, Fengting Wang, Gang Yu, Xianghui Zhang, Chengguo Jia, Jianchun Qin, Hongyu Pan. Functional analysis of the maize C-repeat/DRE motif-bingding transcription factor CBF3 promotor in response to abiotic stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015, 16(6):12131-12146.
17. Geng Sun, Jinliang Liu, Guihua Li, Xianghui Zhang, Tingting Chen, Jingyuan Chen, Hao Zhang, Dongping Wang, Fengjie Sun, Hongyu Pan. Quick and accurate detection and quantification of Magnaporthe oryzae in rice using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Plant Disease, 2015, 99(2):219-224.
18. Gang Yu, Jingtao Li, Xinhua Sun, Xianghui Zhang, Jinliang Liu, Hongyu Pan. Overexpression of AcNIP5;1, a novel nodulin-like intrinsic protein from Halophyte Atriplex canescens, enhances sensitivity to salinity and improves drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant molecular biology reporter. 2015, 33(6):1864-1875.
19. Xiaoyan Qu, Baodong Yu, Jinliang Liu, Xianghui Zhang, Guihua Li, Dongjing Zhang, Le Li, Xueliang Wang, Lu Wang, Jingyuan Chen, Yanhua Zhang. MADS-Box transcription factor SsMADS is involved in regulating growth and virulence in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2014, 15(5):8049-8062.
1. 一种玉米小斑病菌ChCDC3基因及其应用,ZL201910618994.6,排名第一。
2. 一种玉米小斑病菌ChCDC10基因及其应用,ZL201910619172.X,排名第一。
3. 一种燕麦叶枯病菌基因CvCAO1及其应用,ZL201910962268.6,排名第一。
4. 一种燕麦叶枯病菌基因CvDUF1及其应用,ZL201910950510.8,排名第一。
1. 核盘菌子实体形成机制及大豆菌核病综合防控技术的研究与应用,吉林省科技进步一等奖, 排名6, 2013.
2. 植物抗逆新基因与诱导型启动子生物学功能解析,吉林省自然科学奖二等奖, 排名2, 2020.